Cheese-Beer Bread

Cheese & beer bread


Beer loaf


My latest obsession in the bread-making field is this cheesy beer bread. It is so easy to make, it’s quick, it’s no fuss, it doesn’t involve kneading / finding a warm place in the kitchen / figuring out what in the name of God lukewarm is supposed to mean. Even though the ingredients are pretty common, the result exceeds all expectations – a lovely crunchy cheesy crust and a dense, elastic and flavorful center. Even though the only fat-source is the cheese (and a low-fat version, to be more accurate), the taste is so unexpectedly rich and the flavor amplifies with every bite. These being said, good luck on limiting yourself to just one serving! Continue reading Cheese-Beer Bread

Cashew cheese

branza cajuI’m doing my best to go vegan at least 2 times a week. The vegan diet includes the same range of products that you are allowed to consume during Lent. As a child I tried and tried to follow this diet before Christmas and Easter but I failed every single time. My grandmother used to cook during Lent mainly 3 dishes: tomato soup, potato salad and Serbian rice. Don’t get me wrong, they were exquisite. But eventually I would get bored. When I was about 18 years old I discovered tofu and I was enchanted. Yup! I felt enchanted by tofu. I was so sick of those three dishes that I found tofu wonderful. Now I can say I’m quite bored of tofu. Luckily I discovered this tasty cashew cheese. Cashew nuts rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, iron, phosphorus, zinc and copper. Another ingredient of this tasty cheese is nutritional yeast, which is an important source of protein, fibers and vitamins (B complex). I found this recipe on and I made a few changes.
Continue reading Cashew cheese